Peace and Blessing,
Bismi’llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
I would like to talk now about what the Sufi’s call the Stations of the Way or the Stations of the Heart. The Sufi Path we have said before is the path of purification. It is the journey ... Read More
Peace and Blessing,
Bismi’llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
From, Music of the Soul
Maybe someone has said to you, “There are many religions,” but know there is only one religion- the religion of mercy, the religion of politeness. When you find this religion, then come and follow ... Read More
December 27, 2020Suficonnection
At-Taslim, Surrender to God
/ heart, hope, Illness, Love, Meditation, Music of the Soul, peace, Reflection, Shaykh, spiritual, sufi, Surrender, The path
Peace and Blessing,
Bismi’llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
From Music of the Soul, At-Taslim, Surrender to God
If anyone wants to walk in the way and to live in the garden, then he must leave his body, his heart, and his soul, and be only with God, ... Read More
November 1, 2020Suficonnection
Are Your Actions Acceptable to God?
/ compassion, contentment, heart, hope, Love, peace, Reflection, Shaykh, spiritual, sufi, The path
Peace and Blessing,
Bismi’llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Ok, so you are living your life going through your daily duties. Are you moving closer to God? We’ve said earlier that purification of the heart is the key to gaining success with God. If your heart becomes ... Read More
October 18, 2020Suficonnection
Peace and Blessing,
Bismi’llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
The teachings that we at Sufi Heart have been sharing with you are designed to help you on your walking down the Path of Love.
Allah has called us to help you: just as He calls you to help ... Read More
September 25, 2020Suficonnection
If you see the creation as the one who is giving and taking from you, then you are veiled.
Tear that veil to witness Him- p20 The Book of Love, Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy
Now this might seem like an obvious question.
All of us who are believers know that all sustenance comes ... Read More
April 16, 2019Suficonnection
Why does Allah order us to wake up at dawn to pray?
Have you ever wondered why Allah asks us to wake up to pray at dawn? Is it just a time to pray or is there some hidden meaning behind it? Is there a secret inside? First, you should understand ... Read More
December 22, 2014Suficonnection
The path is long. The obstacles are many. As Westerners we are not used to admitting that we need help.
Yet, to know God. To truly come to be sitting a the feet of the Divine Presence, you need help. You need to find someone who knows the way, who knows ... Read More
February 20, 2011Suficonnection