Are you Sad When you Neglect an Act of Obedience?
Peace and Blessing,
Bismi’llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
The teachings that we at Sufi Heart have been sharing with you are designed to help you on your walking down the Path of Love.
Allah has called us to help you: just as He calls you to help others.
In Music of the Soul, Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rif’a, As-Shadhdhuli writes, “the only reason we are here is to seek Allah, and then to share these teachings with others.” Allah wants us to worship him, ie know Him. And then he obligates that we reach out and share His life giving message with our fellow brothers and sisters. We need to teach them the real teachings, both the outer and the inner.
One of the key practices that the student needs to cultivate while walking the Path of Love is to begin engaging in ongoing reflection. By this we mean that we need to develop a habit of looking objectively at our lives to see if we are living up to what God commands us to do.
We need to constantly be aware of what we are doing. Remember the path is a constant purification of both the outer and the inner.
In Ibn A’tallah’s, The Book of Wisdoms, he writes: “A sign of the heart’s death is the absence of sadness over the acts of obedience that you have neglected and the abandonment of regret over the mistakes you have made.” [48]
Ikmal al-Shiyam’s learned commentary says, “Know that just as the life of the physical body is dependent on food, the life of the spiritual heart is dependen on faith, (Iman) and righteous deeds. In the same way as the physical body would perish if deprived of nourishment, the spiritual heart dies without its own sustenance. Thus if a person is unconcerned with acts of disobedience- such as the neglect of the ritual prayer (salat), fasting (sawm), or actions of disobedience committed- then the persons spiritual heart is dead.”
Daily personal reflection is a way to make sure our heart’s stay living. It is a way to make sure we are moving forward on the path. Each day before bed, take 15 minutes and look at your day’s actions and deeds.
Examine your life. What did you do? Ask yourself, “Why did I say that?” What was my real intention? Was my ego running free? Was pride taking over my actions? Was I envious? Or did I act seeking only the face of My Lord?
Personal reflection is essential if you want to purify yourself and move closer to Allah.
Take your chance
Peace and blessings,
Sufi Heart
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