Are Your Actions Acceptable to God?
Peace and Blessing,
Bismi’llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Ok, so you are living your life going through your daily duties. Are you moving closer to God? We’ve said earlier that purification of the heart is the key to gaining success with God. If your heart becomes more and more pure then you draw nearer to Allah, nearness to Allah will bring success in this life and the next.
So what do you do? You try to do good actions. You are kind. You give people compassion. You help an elderly woman across the street. Are you cleaning your heart?
We know that what we do in life is our barometer. It is our gauge to see if we are moving closer to the Divine. But how do we perform our deeds?
Lets look at this wrinkle, this unique way at looking at our deeds, the things we do in life through the eyes of a Master.
Ibn A’tallah the Shaykh and Student of Ibn Mashish, the Great Sufi Master, in his, The Book of Wisdoms, #10 writes:
“Actions are lifeless forms, but the presence of an inner reality of sincerity, within them is what endows them with life giving Spirit. “
What did he say? He said that it’s not enough to do good deeds. We have to look at the intention behind what we are doing. Did we help the elderly woman across the street because we cared for her and felt compassion? Or did we do it to look good for someone, to have someone seeing us do good?
Insincere actions are lifeless and will have no benefit in the hereafter.
When you do something, realize that your Lord is watching. Do it for the face of your God.
Sufi Heart
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