Where Does Your Sustenance Come From?
If you see the creation as the one who is giving and taking from you, then you are veiled. Tear that veil to witness Him- p20 The Book of Love, Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy
Now this might seem like an obvious question. All of us who are believers know that all sustenance comes from God, (Allah) It doesn’t come from creation.
So why should be give this a second thought?
Yet, sometimes we find ourselves letting the idea that when life gives us the cherry pits rather than the cherries we find ourselves asking “why?”
As beloveds who are walking the Path of Love, asking “why” isn’t a proper question. It is written that when we supplicate our Lord we shouldn’t ask “why is this happening to me,” or “what is happening to me.” We should instead as God to show us the wisdom behind this difficulty.
Similarly, when the good things of life come to us we are sometimes neglectful in thanking our Lord. We forget that everything good comes from Him.
So the Shaykh writes in The Book of Love that if we do this we are veiled, meaning we are looking to the creation and not the One who created.
If we want to witness God, to see Him with the eye of our heart, we must obliterate this veil, this covering that hides His majesty all around us.
May God (Allah) bless you and give you the real witnessing.
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