At-Taslim, Surrender to God
Peace and Blessing,
Bismi’llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
From Music of the Soul, At-Taslim, Surrender to God
If anyone wants to walk in the way and to live in the garden, then he must leave his body, his heart, and his soul, and be only with God, to be with Him face to face. You cannot go left or right. You must walk straight and speak to no one, only to God. You must not see anyone, only God. You must not walk with anyone only God.
When you live in this station, you wonder how you lived before you found the way.
Now you can know yourself, and you can change everything from the outside to the inside, and see no difference between the two. There is no difference now between your self and your soul, and there is no difference between anything inside you because there is nothing, only He.
He is she, and she is he, because He returns everything to the first world-the world of the subtle (al-latif).
The return means that you change from the world of the thick body, (al-Katif) to the world of the subtle (al-latif) You return your being to the place when it was when you were born.
But there really is no place when you were born in the soul. You are really nothing and you come from the holy soul in the first world. This is the world of Allah. There is no place, no heaven and no earth that can contain God because everything is from Him. If everything is from Him why not give everything back to Him? Leave everything and give it to God, soul to soul, and heart to heart.
When you reach this station, you reach the garden of surrender.
This surrender is deeper than any other surrender because now you are surrendered in God. No one in this station feels troubles ,and everything in your life is peace and love, because now your life is the life of your God.
This is the real surrendeer, at=Taslim
peace and blessings,
Sufi Heart
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