Peace and Blessing,
Bismi'll, ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim
In the Name of God, The Merciful, The Compassionate.
From the book: "Meanings of the Names of Our Lord"
Al-Quddus, The Holy
Exalted and Glorious
He is Allah beside whom none has the right to be worshipped but He, the King, the Holy, the One free from all defects, the ... Read More
Do you get angry? I know that I do at times. Indeed, I would suggest that most of us find this a troublesome emotion that is difficult to control. Fortunately, a Sufi Master, a master of the heart, has given us supreme guidance for reining in this difficult emotion.
Anger is ... Read More
February 27, 2020Suficonnection
Home is where the heart is located. Our home is what provides a sense of comfort and security. Yet, home is more than this. Our real home isn’t on this earthly plane.
Our real home lies with God, Allah.
Abdul Qadr al-Jilani one of the giants of Islam and one ... Read More
February 16, 2020Suficonnection
Are you interesting in finding greater peace and love in your life? Would you like to throw off the troubles and tribulations that are making you feel lost and hopeless? If you are then you are not alone. Many people in today’s world are suffering. They feel broken emotionally, psychologically, ... Read More
June 11, 2019Suficonnection
Let No Slightest Glance Fall Upon Anything that is Not Allah
Wisdom from the al-Wazifa
“And make us of those rightly guided by You,
So guided that no slightest glance falls upon anything that is not You.”
(al-Wazifa al-Mashishiyya, Music of the Soul, p 264)
What are we looking at? What do our eyes see ... Read More
April 21, 2019Suficonnection
If you see the creation as the one who is giving and taking from you, then you are veiled.
Tear that veil to witness Him- p20 The Book of Love, Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy
Now this might seem like an obvious question.
All of us who are believers know that all sustenance comes ... Read More
April 16, 2019Suficonnection
Bismi'llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Have you ever wondered why there are different paths to God? The Path of Purification of the Heart- the Sufi Path calls us to know that everything in God's universe is right. Even people who don't believe the way we ... Read More
November 18, 2018Suficonnection
Many people in today’s world feel disillusioned and troubled. Life with all of its difficulties seems like a heavy weight, a burden, carried on their backs. The promise of our material society, “that things will make them happy,” has not provided the solace they are seeking. And hope, the hope ... Read More
March 12, 2017Suficonnection
All of us make mistakes. We commit errors. We sin. It’s part of being a human being.
Yet, sometimes we think that we shouldn’t sin that we shouldn’t make mistakes.
Certain people become so distraught about the fact that they sin that they let it become an obstacle to feeling peace in ... Read More
March 4, 2015Suficonnection
Why has this happened to me?
Often we think or say these words when a strong difficulty comes to us. We might see that someone around us has fallen ill with a terrible illness. We wonder, “How could this happen.”
Craig Oster is a friend of mine who is suffering from a ... Read More
February 7, 2015Suficonnection