Feeling the Deep Love of the Heart
I’ve been spending more and more time in remembrance of my Lord. Working to try, inshallah, at night to do remembrance for 1 hour before bed.
The results have been beautiful. But it hasn’t been without effort. I’ve had to cut back on my usual habits. I’ve been working at reduce my attachment to television. It takes a committment to stop what I’m doing each night to fit in the hour of prayer.
It has taken a few months, but now when I go up and spread out my prayer rug, drop to sit on the floor, it is like coming home. It is a coming home to my Lord in a way that hasn’t always been real for me. Something inside me has changed.
Now I am feeling more and more the deep love of the heart.
I enjoy the time on the carpet. It is like returning to a familiar place, a comforting time.
Allah says in a hadith qudsi, “If you draw near to me by a fingers length, I draw closer to you by a hands length. If you come to me walking, I come at you running.”
Now I know what that means.
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