Al- Adab The Politeness
Peace and Blessing,
Bismi’llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Anyone who wants to live in the garden of the soul needs to clean his body of all the things he carries because he carries the qualities of God. God has ninety-nine qualities but He has only one name, a special name-Allah!
When you walk in the way you need to be polite with all these qualities with any person. When you speak, when you walk in the street, when you hear any voice from anywhere, know this is not the voice of the person, but it is the voice of God speaking.
You must be polite because you are speaking with God. When you look at anything, you must know how to look at this thing. Listen to everything and look, but be silent because it is the picture of your God and it is very clean. You cannot see your picture unless you are married to Him.
Allah knows what the Guide says to you, “You are the mirror and I can see myself in your heart. For this reason, I put the love inside your heart so that I can see myself in your heart. This heart must be clean because want to live in your heart because it is the house of my God. This heart is also my heart and you are the love, the secret love inside this heart.”
You cannot know the meaning of this love unless you break your glass. When you break your glass you wake up. The glass is your body, and after that you walk through the stations of the heart. Fill your heart with love and the mercy, and the peace, and give everything to your guide.
This is the Politeness al-Adab
Be polite with everything you meet.
Peace and blessings,
Sufi Heart
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