Peace and Blessing,
Bismi’llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
I would like to talk now about what the Sufi’s call the Stations of the Way or the Stations of the Heart. The Sufi Path we have said before is the path of purification. It is the journey ... Read More
Are you interesting in finding greater peace and love in your life? Would you like to throw off the troubles and tribulations that are making you feel lost and hopeless? If you are then you are not alone. Many people in today’s world are suffering. They feel broken emotionally, psychologically, ... Read More
June 11, 2019Suficonnection
Let No Slightest Glance Fall Upon Anything that is Not Allah
Wisdom from the al-Wazifa
“And make us of those rightly guided by You,
So guided that no slightest glance falls upon anything that is not You.”
(al-Wazifa al-Mashishiyya, Music of the Soul, p 264)
What are we looking at? What do our eyes see ... Read More
April 21, 2019Suficonnection
Many people in today’s world feel disillusioned and troubled. Life with all of its difficulties seems like a heavy weight, a burden, carried on their backs. The promise of our material society, “that things will make them happy,” has not provided the solace they are seeking. And hope, the hope ... Read More
March 12, 2017Suficonnection